Adrian Barrott, London to Brighton Cycle Ride

28 September

I’ll be cycling solo from London to Brighton on Saturday 28th September 2024 to mark the 30th birthday year of Sussex-based charity Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group.

Please help me raise much needed funds to support their important work improving the welfare and well-being of people during and after their time held in indefinite immigration detention, by offering friendship and support and advocating for fair treatment.

Your donation will be used to fund phone credit for detained people in order for them to contact their family, community and support networks including staying in touch with their lawyers. Every £10 phone credit given out once a month to a detained person is a lifeline.

GDWG also runs a walking and storytelling project called Refugee Tales. This project calls for a future without immigration detention but with a 28 day time limit as a first step.

Thank you very much for considering supporting this cause.

I appreciate your support for GDWG.


Garden Party - 15 Sept


Jazz and Refugee Tales - 29 September