2024 is the beginning of the 30th birthday year for GDWG.

Would you join us in celebrating our 30th birthday, whilst raising funds to continue our important work? 

From May 2024, we would like our supporters to host events we are calling 'windows' onto our work. We aim for 30 windows in our 30th birthday year

We request that when you plan your event you undertake to make at least one Friend for the charity. A Friend is someone who signs up for regular giving to GDWG and this can be for as little as £5 per month. Do you think you can make one Friend through one window event? If so, please get in touch. 

Find out more about our Friends Scheme here. 

Please email lara@gdwg.org.uk if you can offer to host a window event for us. 


Examples of events that are a window onto our work over 30 years:


Would you hold a coffee and cake morning or a garden party and invite some of your friends, family, work colleagues or neighbours and share a pack of information about GDWG at the event? This is an easy to arrange window onto our work. You may have a collecting box on the table, or we can set you up to take bookings for the Window event on Eventbrite.

Would you hold a reading group session where one of our Refugee Tales anthologies is discussed? 

If you love film, perhaps you might arrange a screening of one of our Refugee Tales being read or organise a cinema trip with friends to see a film that explores migration, followed by a group discussion.

Whatever you decide to do, we request that when you plan your event you undertake to make at least one Friend for the charity. If you can also set up a donation page to raise funds for GDWG, please let us know. We would be delighted to help you do this: lara@gdwg.org.uk

As our supporters suggest new windows, we will display the ideas and forthcoming events on this page.

Watch this space and claim your window below!