External Resources
Refugee Tales
GDWG awareness-raising project offering the opportunity to reflect on the long and dangerous journeys many refugees have to make to feel war and persecution.
Support Groups for Detained People
AVID (Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees)
The national umbrella organisation for visitors groups to immigration detainees. Includes useful information about the detention estate and helpful links.
Asylum Welcome
Since the closure of Campsfield House detention centre in Oxfordshire the group now support people in detention elsewhere, unaccompanied children in Oxfordshire, advise people on a wide range of immigration issues and teach English to refugees.
BID (Bail for Immigration Detainees)
A small charity that prepares and presents bail applications for detainees.
Detention Action
The visitors group for Harmondsworth and Colnbrook detention centres at Heathrow, and national campaigning organisation on detention issues.
Friends Without Borders
The visitors group for Haslar detention centre near Portsmouth.
Samphire (formerly Dover Visitors Group)
Supporting people who have experienced immigration detention.
Beyond Detention
The visitors group for Yarls Wood IRC near Bedford.
Scottish Detainee Visitors
Supporting people detained in Dungavel IRC and influencing policy on detention
Legal Help
ILPA (Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association)
Association promoting good practice within immigration law. Produce many useful information sheets updates.
JCWI (Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants)
National charity providing free legal advice to asylum seekers and immigrants.
Law Society – solicitors online database
The Law Society’s online directory of solicitors and barristers.
OISC (Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner)
Independent body that regulates and registers legal advisers. Find here how to make a complaint about poor legal representation.
Government Sites
Find your MP
Site that will locate your local MP.
UK Visas and Immigration
Home Office department dealing with responsibility for immigration.
Other Useful Sites
Amnesty International
International human rights organisation – produce reports on individual countries.
Asylum Aid
Charity providing advice and legal representation to asylum seekers and refugees.
Asylum Support Appeals Project
Organisation who advice and information about entitlements to accommodation and financial support for asylum seekers.
Freedom From Torture
Organisation that provides care and rehabilitation to survivors of torture.
Human Rights Watch
Produces human rights reports on individual countries.
Independent Asylum Commission
Published reports into the asylum system in the UK. Website archived.
A human rights organisation that challenges injustice, defends freedom and campaigns to make sure everyone in the UK is treated fairly. They have a helpline to support people in detention with making a complaint about their treatment.
Medical Justice
Doctors and other experts helping people access their medical rights from detention.
Paper Boy
News website with links to many of the world’s newspapers.
Red Cross International Family Tracing
Try to restore contact between families separated by armed conflict or natural disaster.
Red Cross Refugee Services
The British Red Cross provide practical and emotional support to refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Their website highlights a number of services and educational resources for refugees and asylum seekers.
Refugee Action
Refugee Action is an independent national charity that works with refugees to build new lives in the UK.
Refugee Council
National charity campaigning and providing practical assistance for asylum seekers and refugees.
Right to Remain
Voluntary organisation providing advice on anti-deportation campaigns.
Stop the Traffik
Working to support trafficked people in the UK.
The UN refugee agency – useful site with news on current refugee crises and refugee convention.
Local Support
Voices in Exile
Local Brighton group supporting destitute asylum seekers in the community.