General Election 2024

GDWG has launched a Manifesto for the General Election 2024

Read our calls for change including that the recommendations of the Brook House Public Inquiry are adopted in full, good quality interpreter services upon request for people in detention, a 28 day time-limit for immigration detention, the right to work for people who have sought asylum for over 6 months, and a compassionate environment for all. 

We ask our supporters to share the Manifesto with prospective candidates in your constituency. A sample letter is HERE. You can find your prospective candidates at this website: 

As well as raising the issues by letter or email, please consider:

  • contacting local media: writing to local newspapers or local news websites, or taking part in radio phone-ins;

  • raising the issues with canvassers and party activists seeking your support;

  • raising the issues with candidates in person whilst they are out campaigning;

  • raising the issues at events, hustings or discussion meetings with several candidates taking part;

  • raising the issues with any politicians campaigning in your area.

Thank you for taking the opportunity of the General Election to be part of our call for change as we work for the better imagined.