Our policy calls for the UK government

We believe that the UK, like all countries, can and must work towards a future without immigration detention.  As first steps towards that future, we call on the government and politicians of all parties to support these five goals:

1. Implementation of the Brook House Public Inquiry recommendations.

2. A 28-day time limit on immigration detention, so that no-one is held indefinitely.

3. The right to work for anybody whose case for asylum takes longer than six months.

4. Access to high quality interpreter and translation services for everyone in immigration detention.

5. An approach to asylum grounded not in hostility but in the fundamental principles of human rights.

Ask your MP to support our Call for Change

Please share our Call for Change with your local MP, and ask them to support our policy calls.

MPs of all parties play a vital role in raising issues in Parliament and the media, shaping party policy and helping bring about fundamental change.  MPs are particularly interested in the views of people who live in their constituency.

It is hugely important that MPs become aware that many of us believe the UK should be a place of welcome to people who come here seeking asylum and our approach to all people who currently find themselves at risk of detention should reflect fundamental principles of human rights.

Find out who is your MP: www.theyworkforyou.com

You can write your MP an email or letter.  You may also want to speak to them in person at a local advice surgery – contact the MP’s office to find out details.

Please let us know their response

It is very helpful to us to know how individual MPs respond.  Whether their response is supportive or not, please contact our office to let us know what they say: anna@gdwg.org.uk