Southwark Walk

10 August

Join Anna Sayburn Lane, author of the Helen Oddfellow and Marjorie Swallow murder mysteries, for a guided tour around London's historic Bankside.

Follow in the footsteps of Chaucer's pilgrims as they gather to leave for Canterbury, the playwrights Shakespeare and Marlowe as they prepare plays for the Globe and Rose playhouses, and Archbishop Thomas Becket on his last night in London before his murder in Canterbury Cathedral.

You'll also learn about Winchester Geese and one of the oldest street markets in London.

We will finish our tour at Shakespeare's Globe on Southbank.

Please meet us at 11am on Saturday 10 August in the courtyard of The George pub, 75-77 Borough High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1NH.

All proceeds will go towards the work of Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group charity.


Art exhibition and plant sale - 4 August


Garden Party - 15 Sept